Gym centers located in Brussels
Discover the best spots for working out in Brussels!

People who like to workout alone as well as those who are more likely to participate in a group lesson will find a fitness club that match their habits.
Hereunder is a list of gym clubs in Brussels classified by the type of exercice. All those fitness centres offer a variety of facilities and services: swimming pools, workout equipment, weights, showers... Some even provide a personal coaching to design special programs.
No matter if you are into swimming, boxing, yoga or Pilates: choose the activity that suits you best and enjoy an active lifestyle.
Hereunder is a list of gym clubs in Brussels classified by the type of exercice. All those fitness centres offer a variety of facilities and services: swimming pools, workout equipment, weights, showers... Some even provide a personal coaching to design special programs.
No matter if you are into swimming, boxing, yoga or Pilates: choose the activity that suits you best and enjoy an active lifestyle.
Relax at yoga sessions

Ease off on the pressure of the everyday life with the yoga sessions proposed by those centers. Yoga can boost your immunity, ease migraines, help you to sleep better and fight food cravings.
Aqua gym classes

Come and visit this page entirely dedicated to sports club where you can practice aqua gym and activities linked like aqua spinning, aqua building, aquaerobic…
Get a personal trainer

Your problem has always been the lack of motivation or the fear of not doing great? With the help of a personal trainer, you will have support as well as a program. This expert help you reach your fitness goals.
Step in group classes

Get fit thanks to the step lessons of those fitness clubs especially selected for you. Aerobic stepping is an excellent cardiovascular workout that will help you maintain a healthy weight and a nice shape.
Move thanks to spinning!

Spinning sessions are a great way to work cardio while having fun. A trainer makes your heart go at a higher pace to burn a huge amount of calories in a minimum of time. Find a class in one of the fitness clubs of Brussels.
Pre- and postnatal gym

If you want to exercise but your condition requires precautions. Discover fitness centres that offer special low-impact sessions that are safe for future and young mothers. Yoga, aquagym and more.
Aerobics classes

Do you really like to train with rhythm? Find in this selection several nice places offering aerobic lessons. Motivating fitness coaches will lead fun cardio sessions for a lot of calories burned.
Swimming lessons

You try to find a swimming pool where you or your children can take some swim classes? Stop searching for it; we made a selection for you.
Sport practise for elderly people

Aging doesn't mean you have to abandon your hobbies. If you like to do sport, find in the selection many fitness centres providing classes adapted to people of all ages with low impact to prevent injuries.
Benefit from group classes!

You are looking for a fitness center to get in shape and do some group classes? Here is a list of clubs where they propose various sessions: aeropump, body shape, pilates, zumba…